Methylene bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethylbutylphenol (MBBT) is a powerful synthetic mineral UV filter. It works by scattering some UV light away from the skin, as well as absorbing some and converting to heat. When used correctly, it offers broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays – aka it can protect against skin damage, plus anti-ageing action (wrinkles that are triggered by the sun).

MBBT Application:

High performance broad-spectrum UV filter suitable for skin care applications, such as anti-aging face care products, and sun protection products.

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MBBT Especificación:

Elemento de prueba Especificación
Apariencia White viscous liquid
Odor Trace Charac odor
PH value 10.5-12.0
Absorbance 0.936-1.014
Absorción 234-254
Viscosity 200-1000 mPa.s
Dry content 55.5-59.5%
Active substance 48-52%
Total viable count ≤100 cfu/g

MBBT Packaging: 25kg/plastic drum

 Period of validity: 2 years


Keep under dry and cool place, keeping away from goods that can affect the quality of the goods, against damp. Careful load and unload, be care not pollute or torn the package, avoid rain and insolation during transportation.