Lanthanum chloride hexahydrate

Lanthanum Chloride Hexahydrate is white crystals or powder, easily soluble in water and ethanol, deliquency, sealed preservation.

Our products include purity 99.95   99.99  99.999. To get further information, please feel free to contact us.


Lanthanum Chloride Hexahydrate is used in the manufacture of petroleum cracking catalyst, lanthanum product intermediates, magnetic materials, chemical reagents and other industries.

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CAS: 17272-45-6
MF: LaCl3.6(H2O)
MW: 353.36
Appearance:White crystals or powder

Lanthanum chloride hexahydrate Specification:

TREO:≥43.85% Ла2О3/TREO:≥99.999%
RE  Impurities  Content(ppm) Non-RE  Impurities  Content(ppm)
Генеральный директор2:              <1

Пр6О11:             < 0.5

Нд2О3 :             <0.5

см2О3:              <0.5

Eu2О3:              <0.5

Gd2О3:              <0.5

Tb4О7:              <0.5

Dy2О3:             <0.5

Ho2О3:             < 0.5

Er2О3:              <0.5

Tm2О3:             <0.5

Yb2О3:             <0.5

Lu2О3:             <0.5

И2О3:              < 1

Фе2О3:       2

CaO:        10

Это не2:        5

PbO:         1



25kg/woven bag or 25kg/fiber drum


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