Палладий хлорид

Palladium Chloride, chemical formula for PdCl2, used for the preparation of special catalyst, molecular sieve;  Sublimation decomposition at 600°C;

Dihydrate is a dark red hygroscopic crystal.  Can be used as preparation of non-conductor material coating;  Production of gas sensitive components, analytical reagents, etc.

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№ КАС:7647-10-1

Номер ЭИНЭКС:231-596-2

Молекулярная масса:177.32

Код ТН ВЭД:2843900010

Молекулярная формула: PdCl2


Palladium Chloride Specifications: 

Тестовый предмет





















Palladium Chloride Application:

Determination of palladium, mercury, thallium and iodine, purification of rare gases, palladium chloride paper to examine carbon monoxide, cobalt verification; Used for the synthesis of semiconductor metal-containing polymers with polypyrrole framework, consistent with minimum energy and near plane.
1. Catalytic oxidation of methyl ketones from α -ene diameters.
2. Alkenes are oxidized to aldehydes by Wacker reaction using air as oxidant in aqueous solution.
3. Used for the detection of CO(Palladium chloride dipstick dipped in molybdate phosphomolybdate solution turns blue immediately upon trace of CO)
CO + PdCl2 + H2O = CO2 + Pd left + 2 HCL
Upstream raw materials: palladium, sponge palladium
Downstream products: salbutamol sulfate, supported noble metal catalyst, palladium catalyst

Daily use
1. Used as analytical reagent
2. Mainly used as catalyst for ethylene acetaldehyde and other palladium catalyst. Manufacturing molecular sieve, preparation of non-conductor material coating surface activator. Used for manufacturing gas sensing elements.

Palladium Chloride Packaging:

Package according to clients request

Палладий хлорид Большиеге:

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