Zirconium nitrate

Zirconium nitrate is a volatile anhydrous transition metal nitrate of zirconium with formula Zr(NO3)4. It has alternate names of zirconium tetranitrate, or zirconium(IV) nitrate.It has a UN number of UN 2728 and is class 5.1, meaning oxidising substance.

Zirconium nitrate is a white crystalline solid and is soluble in water. It is noncombustible, but it will accelerate the burning of combustible materials. If large quantities are involved in a fire or the combustible material is finely divided, an explosion may result. Prolonged exposure to fire or heat may result in an explosion. Toxic oxides of nitrogen are produced in fires involving Zirconium nitrate. It is used as a preservative.


For zirconium tungsten electrode, automobile exhaust purification catalyst, engineering ceramics, carbide and other industries.

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CAS No.: 13746-89-9

МФ: Zr(NO3)4·3H2О

МВ: 339.2436

Номер ЭИНЭКС: 237-324-9


Элемент Zr(NO3)4·3H2O
ZrO2 32.00 33.00
Fe2O3 0.001 0.0008
SiO2 0.002 0.001
Высокий 0.005 0.001
SO42- 0.010 0.005
кл- 0.010 0.005
Na2O 0.005 0.002
PbO 0.002 0.001
Water dissolution test Clear Clear

Zirconium nitrate Упаковка:

Vacuum bag within 10kg, 25kg/fiber drum lined with double-layer plastic bag for above 10kg,or as customers’ requests.

Zirconium nitrate Хранилище:

Хранить в сухом и прохладном месте. Хранить вдали от товаров, которые могут повлиять на качество товаров, от влаги. Соблюдайте осторожность при загрузке и разгрузке, будьте осторожны, чтобы не загрязнить и не порвать упаковку, избегайте дождя и солнечного света во время транспортировки.